Medical Consent

By clicking, you acknowledge, understand, and agree to the following:

Purpose and Explanation of Services by XY Therapeutics Partner Providers: You are consenting to undergo a health assessment provided by XY Therapeutics' partner providers, which may encompass blood tests and other evaluations, to identify potential treatments in the domain of men's health.

Discussion of Benefits and Risks: You acknowledge that some of the treatments recommended to you may involve 'off-label' use, which refers to using a registered or non-registered medicine outside of the indications, dosage, route, timeframes, or patient group approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. The potential benefits and risks will be explained to you by XY Therapeutics’ partner providers, and you understand you will need to conduct your own risk assessment regarding the benefits and risks of such treatments. It is your responsibility to raise any concerns or questions you may have regarding the treatments.

Optimisation Plan: Following the health assessment, blood tests and consultations, you will receive an optimisation plan from XY Therapeutics' partner providers outlining recommended treatments based on your results. You understand that this report will include potential adverse effects linked to each treatment but does not cover all potential adverse effects.

Nature of Treatments: XY Therapeutics' partner providers specialise in treatments to optimise men’s health. They do not provide treatments for acute or chronic illnesses. You understand that if you require medical care for such conditions or urgent care, you will contact your usual health provider or seek urgent care.

Variability of Results: As with any medical service or treatment, you understand there is no guarantee of desired outcomes. Individual results and effectiveness of treatments may vary.

Decision to Proceed: Recommendations are based on the best judgment of our partner providers. You retain the responsibility to decide whether to proceed with any suggested treatments.

Informing Usual Health Providers: You understand that it is your responsibility to inform your regular health providers about the treatments you receive from XY Therapeutics' partner providers.

Medical Emergencies: In the event of a medical emergency, you should contact local emergency services immediately.

E-Signature and Consent Acknowledgment: By clicking, you confirm that you have read, understood, and consent to the terms listed above. Clicking acts as your electronic signature, which carries the same legal weight as a handwritten signature.